To Course or Not to Course?

I know you mean well, but we’ve tried online courses before. What makes an Edivate course different?
Well, what do teachers need from their professional learning?
For starters, they need an organized set of engaging activities that encourage in-depth learning. But teachers also learn best when they have the opportunity to collaborate with others.
An Edivate course can provide those things. You can sequence multiple types of activities together to reinforce learning and application, including forums for discussion.
What if I only want them to collaborate? Or I just want them to watch a video?
A course may not be the perfect tool for a single activity. For example, you could use Focus Objectives or Groups for the activities you mentioned. But if a series of activities have a common purpose, an Edivate course will accomplish the task.

Activity Set

Read the scenario and decide if a course is the best solution.

Mr. Harrison wants to instruct his teachers on State Standard issues and then have them perform several learning activities to help them internalize what they learn.

  1. Of course a course would be the proper course.
  2. No, of course not.


Read the scenario and decide if a course is the best solution.

Mrs. Parker envisions her teachers sharing, collaborating, and planning as a result of their professional learning experience on a continual basis.

  1. Of course a course would be the proper course.
  2. No, of course not.


Read the scenario and decide if a course is the best solution.

Mr. Marcos would like his teachers to have a place where they can create and track their professional goals.

  1. Of course a course would be the proper course.
  2. No, of course not.


Read the scenario and decide if a course is the best solution.

Mrs. Polovich sees a need for most of the educators at her school to improve classroom management; she likes Edivate videos but would like the teachers to go more in depth.

  1. Of course a course would be the proper course.
  2. No, of course not.


Alert! Plan Your Course Activities

Planning your course is essential to its success. You may be tempted to skip this important part of course building; but so often things go awry when we don't think through all the consequences (think Frankenstein)! Take the time to respond to the Plan Your Course prompts. Those you supervise and the students they teach will benefit from your investment.

If you are logged in, your responses in the Plan Your Course sections will be saved and compiled in the Review section of this course.

Plan Your Course

